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What is it about thanks?

I love this season of the year we are now entering. A season of thanks, peace on earth, and glad tidings of great joy to all.

Thanksgiving is a special time of year. We pause and give thanks remembering the Pilgrims and their first Thanksgiving. It was a rough year for them and yet inspired by turmoils, tragedy, and death they gave thanks to God for His provision and care. We would do well to follow their example.

You know that is what I hope you do today as you celebrate Thanksgiving. I am posting this blog a day earlier than I would normally. I wanted to give you a thought to ponder as you begin the day celebrating this wonderful holiday.

We look around us and there does not seem to be much that calls for our giving thanks. That may well be true for the world, but not for you and me as Christians. We have decided to follow Jesus. Now that doesn't mean that any of us are doing everything right all the time. I mean let's just be honest with one another. We all sin and that is why Scripture reminds us that in 1 John 1:5-8, we read-

We not only have fellowship with Jesus Christ but we have fellowship with one another. Remember we don't always get it right and that sin creeps back into our lives. So what do we do when that happens? Look at how John put it in verses 9 and10-

So as you get ready to spend time with family, friends, and others today remember to give thanks. Make Psalm 89:1-2 your verses for the day

"I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth, I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you have established your faithfulness in heaven itself."

Elaine and I want to wish you and yours today a very Happy Thanksgiving.

In God's Grace,

Elbert Nasworthy

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