Today has been one that has had me on Zoom meetings in the morning and the afternoon. In between I have been working on a Pastor‘s Conference presentation that I am doing next week. You know it is interesting how a day can go. Now for me they all start the same. A cup Beyond Bold coffee (whole bean that I grind myself for each pot) from Black Rifle Coffee. Our son introduced it to us and it is awesome coffee. We are also supportive of the great work they do in helping our veterans. If you want to know more, here is the link to Black Rifle Coffee
So, as I get my cup of coffee I sit down and pull out my Bible. I read 4 chapters every day. I have mentioned this before. If you do this daily, you can read the Bible through in a year. I may be in God’s Word to prepare for a message or the presentation I talked about earlier. But every morning I read His Word. He knows where I am each day and He speaks to me. Often, I will pull out a verse that is important for all to remember and put it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and share hoping you will share it with others. For me and for you, it is imperative that each day our minds be filled with His Word and His Spirit. It is the only way to get through the day.
As I said earlier it is interesting what can go on in a day. In the first Zoom meeting, 16th~it was for an Administrative Committee I serve on in our state convention. We needed to fill a staff position. It is so exciting to see God working in a young couples life. Heading into a new ministry direction and making a difference in the lives of others. Heard some reports about other things happening in the state. The second Zoom was with a group of local pastors. Meeting to talk about what is going on personally and ministerially. Great time talking and encouraging one another. Reminded me as to what these pastors are dealing with today. Several have had Covid and you can tell they are still recovering. Others looked and acted tired not just physically but spiritually.
I was with a pastor the other day and I reminded him of how important it is to get rest and to get away. LOL, I also told him I would preach for him but that was not the reason I encouraged him. I pastored for 30 years and I had vacations and most of the time I took them. I also know that I put in a lot of time that no one but my wife and God are aware of and so I know pastors need a change of scenery every now and then. As I was working on the presentation for next week, I will be talking to pastors about not just spiritual renewal but also physical, emotional and family renewal.
Here was the wonderful part of today. Someone in the morning Zoom talked about how their local association was probably not as good at others in encouraging churches and pastors. That struck a cord with me because I know how well our local association works to encourage churches and pastors. In the afternoon Zoom, with our local association leaders and some pastors I saw in real time how important it is to have others to encourage and work together.
As I worked through the remainder of the day with the final preparation for the Pastor’s Conference I am a part of next week, the whole day came together. In reflection of what I have experienced throughout the day, I was able to take all God had given me to put everything together. So I can next week encourage and help some pastors who are probably tired. Some spiritually, some physically, some emotionally and some a combination of several or all. They may be facing some tough situations. Finances, facilities, personnel, attendance, family are all things that will distract a pastor. Pastors daily face some or all of these. Any one or any combination can distract a pastor. Pastor, trust God and seek the encouragement and counsel of other pastors. Church member, pray for and encourage your pastor and staff regularly, they need it.
A thought to ponder,
Elbert Nasworthy

Good words of wisdom. Our Pastors and ministerial staff need to be up lifted in prayer each day. They also need words of encouragement often. They face so much that the average church member does not have a clue about.
Remember your pastor, his family. Same for your ministerial staff.