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God’s Goal in Communicating #4

The final objective God has in speaking is that we may communicate His truth.

It is important for us to know and understand that God never gives us anything to keep for ourselves. Whether it is money, insight, or truth, it has to be shared.

Matthew 28:19-20

19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

His words to His disciples Jesus clearly let them know that the truth He had taught them during the past 3 years was not to be kept in a personal reservoir of knowledge. They were to give it away, everything they had received.

Chuck Colson was a close political aide (1969–73) to President Richard Nixon. Colson was the reputed mastermind behind the campaign of “dirty tricks” advanced to discredit the president’s opponents that culminated in the Watergate scandal. He was tried and convicted (1974) for having obstructed justice in an elaborate cover-up.

It was after this that Colson came to saving knowledge in Jesus Christ. Only as he consciously surrendered all and gave himself too selfless service did his ministry bear fruit. Today we know it as Prison Fellowship. He became a servant, communicating the truth that had set him free.

1st and 2nd Timothy are letters to the Apostle Paul’s young pupil and Pastor Timothy and in 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul admonished young Timothy- …the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.

Timothy was to communicate the truth he had learned through Paul’s instructions to others who would, in turn, pass it along.

Look at this idea of passing it along from Paul’s letter to the Christians in Corinth

2 Corinthians 5:20 Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.

The sole propose of an ambassador is to relay the policies and decisions of his superiors to the people of the countries they are assigned.

So then we have an obligation to declare to others the divine plan and scriptural policies of our Master. Each one of us communicates something every waking moment by what we say and what we don’t say by what we do and by what we don’t do.

Never reading the Bible communicates that a person is smart enough to make it on his or her own decisions, without any input from God’s counsel.

What that teaches others is that a person can get along just fine, thank you, without the advice and wisdom of God.

On the other hand, explain it when the Bible is read and considered.

For example, if a child never sees their parents or family praying learn that fellowship with God is not important.

That trials and tribulations are then handled outside of God’s direction. Does that seem right to you?

We must be honest in evaluating our responses to God’s communications. Considering what God has graciously taught us over the years, are we deliberately applying these truths to our lives on a daily basis?

When we comprehend the truth, are we conforming ourselves to the image of Christ? Then are we communicating that truth to others?

A thought to ponder,

Elbert Nasworthy

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1 comentário

14 de set. de 2020

Just an observation on what I've noticed about what is happening to all of us right now in society and that is that we all seem to be reading and writing more through our phone,computers,etc.

When I read through the Bible now, I'm impressed by how much was written from the apostles to kings and everyone in between about orders ,decrees,letters,etc.

For example, just look at all of the letters Paul wrote and sent out and what is amazing to me is that the letters made it to there destinations.

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