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An extra post of A thought to ponder

As of this date, there are 52 days until the General Election on November 5, 2024, and in Florida where most of you reside there are 14 days until the deadline to Register to Vote. If you should live in another state then please check with your local Supervisor of Elections for information about registering if you have not already done so. I have posted several PSAs on this previously and today I want to encourage you again.

I believe for the most part that those of you who are reading this probably are already registered to vote. However, on the outside chance you are not my hope is this will encourage you to register and then vote.

In reading and listening, I am finding there are many who are providing information about percentages, numbers, tendencies, and other very interesting observations regarding the General Election. They are important however possibly not as pertinent as the observer would have us believe. There are things we learn in life which can cause us to change our minds. Equally and as importantly there are things that we learn in life that can cause us to never change our minds.

I honestly imagine that we can all agree that this world is a lot different and scary than the one we grew up in. Now for those who read this that are younger with minimal life experience let me assure you this world is different. That is not for the good either. The world you live in is much more skeptical and cynical than in years past. That is more than likely something that is here to stay and that is a sad thought.

Having reached this place in my life, I have learned and observed a lot. I have learned that things can and will go off course if caution and care are not used. Man keeps attempting things that have never and will never work out.

I am amazed and somewhat shocked by those who believe in a Marxist communist form of government. This is not a presentation of the belief or the counterbelief as to capitalism. This is a statement that never in the history of man has this form of government worked.

The people who are coming today in such large numbers are not coming here to experience Marxist communism in another country. They are coming in order to escape it and have hope of a more free existence in the United States. The downside to what has and is occurring is that people who should not ever be allowed to come are ushered in and provided for often in better ways than the citizens of the United States.

A person can not and will not ever have the freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in any place other than in the United States. With that in mind, it is up to us as citizens to maintain the availability of that freedom to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

As it is so often said that this is the most important election, it could well be true. There are clearly two different paths moving forward. Each is distinctly different from the other.

I am a part of a group which assists churches in our area. We have funds we have received and we invest those funds. In order to grow them so that we can help a church when they reach out to us. We use a Biblically Responsible standard for our investments. This means we might be able to make more from unbiblical investments but we choose not to use the Lord’s money in that way by finding unbiblical companies. With that thought in mind, let me encourage you to consider how you will vote for a candidate or an issue based upon a Bibliclally Reponsible standard. Trust me it will not be easy but through prayer the Lord can and will guide you.

You may have already made up your mind and that is fine. If you have done so with the benefit of all the information. If you have prayed over and considered your decision. If you have that is fine but if you have not that is no problem. You have time, what did I note earlier? As of this date, there are 52 days until the General Election on November 5, 2024, and in Florida where most of you reside there are 14 days until the deadline to Register to Vote.

So do what you need to do to be ready to cast your vote on November 5th.

In God’s Grace,

Elbert Nasworthy

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