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What a week

I know it is only Friday, but I think we can all agree ”what a week”. As I, like you, have watched and listened this week, I have found myself surprised but not discouraged, wondering but not anxious, anticipating but not forlorn. Why? Because I know who holds tomorrow and that God is in control. It is not lIke He hasn’t been all along, but that I pause in the midst of the issues and remember He has this.

As I write this, the election for the presidency has yet to be determined. It may not be determined for a period of time yet to come. God knows or should I say has always known who would be the next President of the United States. Our not knowing can make us anxious, but His Word says in Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”.

This is one of those times in our lives when we really need to heed His Word and do exactly what He says. You may think I am writing to you right now, but really I am preaching to myself. Ultimately, I want God to be glorified, and He will be. Yet, He may do things differently than I would or even like. By the way, that is why He is God and I am not. OK, don’t get cocky here and say Amen preacher, you‘re not God. Well, neither are you, so stop it and pay attention.

God does perfectly well without our meddling, thank you very much. So here is what I am doing and I encourage you to do the same thing. Remember the words in Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight

Everything in life requires accepting that He is God and you are not. Once you do and trust in Him in all things, life is much more tolerable and acceptable.

A thought to ponder,

Elbert Nasworthy

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