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Understanding right and wrong #4

Over the last few weeks we have dealt with the question, is there a way to distinguish clearly between right and wrong? Are there actions that we would all generally agree are wrong?

We saw clearly that in most situations today people sense that there is something wrong. Something wrong with their family, their friends, their communities, and their society. They are not quite able to put their finger on it or what they should do about it.

In these last 3 weeks, we have seen that it is important to understand something about God and about sin:

1 John 1:9 tells us-

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness

He restores us to a right relationship with Him.

There are 4 reasons for forgiveness and we have seen the first 3-

God’s Love: The Basis of Forgiveness

Confession: The Demand of Forgiveness

Cleansing: The Extent of Forgiveness

In today's blog, we will look at the 4th reason for forgiveness

New Life: The Result of Forgiveness

Again we are using The Psalms and specifically Psalm 51. Look with me if you would please at verses 10-12.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

11 Do not cast me away from Your presence, And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

12 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit.

-David wanted a new start with God

David knew God, do you?

As you read David’s words and requests, it is very clear that he knew he could

not have the new start he desired on his own. It is not uncommon at all for us to

try and make ourselves better but to no avail. We have to begin the process by

recognizing our need to change. Then we must rely on God to lead us through

making it a reality.

-David wanted forgiveness and cleansing, this would restore fellowship and worship, do you?

Believer, is this what you want as well in your relationship with God? If so, then

understand how David approached God.

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

He wanted to have the restoration of the joy of Your salvation

-Restoration, David wanted to avoid future sin:

He asked to “create in me a clean heart” only God creates and the word here

refers to a miracle, and that only God can do

He asked to “renew a steadfast spirit within me”

-How is a consistent life maintained before God?

“a steadfast spirit within us” God in us, His Holy Spirit which will enable us to

succeed in the struggles of life

-He asked “restore to me the joy of Your salvation”

salvation is God’s because it is He who provides it

the joy had been lost through sin

-David asks then that God “uphold me by Your generous spirit”

a spirit committed to doing the will of God

this is the spirit that is God’s antidote to temptation

God's word says that all have sinned. Just as David cries out for forgiveness. Each of us can identify with him today.

Repentance, faith, and confession of sin are necessary if we are to experience God’s cleansing.

For each person who trusts in Christ for salvation, God responds. In the forgiven life, God establishes a new heart and empowers the believer as a living testimony of His saving grace.

In God's Grace,

Elbert Nasworthy

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