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Something for you to know

Like many of you I have a limited understanding of technology and how things work especially on the internet and through social media. That doesn’t mean I can’t use it, it just means there are aspects of it I am uncertain as to how things are done. Now I know some who are awesome at using the internet, computers, social media more effectively than I am. Now, you are probably aware that I have a website at which allows to access information about who I am and what I do. At you can directly go to my blogs.

I have been publishing a blog every week and it goes online each Friday morning. It has been something I let people know about through email, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Parler and sometimes through YouTube. I will usually also post on those sites Bible quotes, pictures or something about what we are doing like preaching at a church.

My reason for sharing all of this is that I will begin sharing more on the blog site and with more frequency. I will continue to let you know about new content being available. However, with all that is happening I can not be certain that you will always hear from me when something new is available.

I want to ask you to please regularly go to and see if there is a new post. The reason as I said a moment ago, is that I have no control, actually neither do you, as to what will or can be seen today through social media.

PLEASE check out the blog and keep looking for notices through social media. However, understand that with what is happening today your access to the internet or a particular site, like mine, may well be blocked or interrupted.

Pray for our nation and our leaders. Trust me, they need it and I mean it in a big way.

A thought to ponder,

Elbert Nasworthy

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